Peaceful Horse: A heart-based, world-wide Community

Listening to our horses with active presence gives us a whole new world to explore by their guidance

Why Peaceful Horse?

Our horses can teach us infinitely about equality in connection through Active Presence. So, in Peaceful Horse International Community Center, we immerse ourselves in multiple fun ways of learning (and remembering) active presence with our horses' guidance! In Peaceful Horse, we're giving back to ourselves what we've been missing and searching for, for countless generations: that connection to each other in the way where we mutually see our companion, and we feel welcomed as we are! This helps us relax and be the best we can be for our horses' wellbeing. We expand on the fun we share together with them. Not a space on training horses; but encouraging ourselves to re-train our inner lives by their natural guidance. Peaceful Horse is also a new uprising voice for the ethically-minded treatment of horses in every human environment. As a community, we are able to powerfully make great strides together for all horses' wellbeing. Compassion + Fun + Education across the world, all led by our Horses!

As an evergreen organisation, we are able to flow with the community's input while remaining anchored in the simple but powerful focus of Active Presence, led by our horses! 

What you'll have instant access to with your low cost, monthly subscription:

Includes all of the Foundational Spaces, and more, with a small team of Admins ensuring a safe, thriving, diversified hub for you! Here are a few choices you'll have access to as we grow (bold = available now):

  • In-house workshops and classes in a variety of horse-related topics
  • Intro & Dedicated Way of Council Circles, some of them with our horses!
  • Valuable and insightful weekly live Zoom chats, for reflections, stories, questions and answers, brainstorming, meditations, and inspiration on unlimited aspects of horse care and life.
  • A key ingredient practice in Active Presence: Improv with your Horse!
  • Creative Space: vital self expression for and about your horse, multi-media (writing, visuals, 3D, etc) and bespoke making activities just for our Community.
  • Horse Tales: sharing our life and times, most memorable and moving stories.
  • Book Nook for reference and exploration on titles for self-development, and more!
  • Authentic solidarity with like-minded, ethical horse folks, world wide; more stories.
  • In-person meet-ups, Way of Council Circles, and adventures!
  • Community support for challenging settings, so no one is left facing them alone.
  • The opportunity to offer your own live workshops to our special community!
  • The opportunity to co-create an equine consortium for the more legally-minded, benefiting horses regionally, and beyond.
  • Plus more as we grow in numbers world-wide!